
Welcome to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of London

With its 105 Mark and 83 Royal Ark Mariner lodges, London is the largest Province practising the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner degrees under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas.

Notwithstanding the current regulations which severely restrict the way we are allowed to practise the Advancement and Elevation ceremonies, there is still much to read within the several sections of this website. The news articles are frequently updated with stories of our members’ activities during this difficult period. Those with time on their hands during this ‘alleged’ quiet period are recommended to browse the Photo Galleries and Latest News sections in particular, to remind them of the happy and convivial times which existed prior to March 2020. The current limitations we know will not last forever, and I am confident that the camaraderie and enthusiasm being generated through the alternative means of communication which abound at this time will help sustain us and maintain our interest and involvement in our Lodges and the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner degrees which we love so much. Until that happy day of reunion,


I send you all my very best wishes. Stay safe, look out for one another and Mark Well Brethren!

Tom Quinn

Provincial Grand Master